Monday, November 11, 2024

Vella has Died

Kindle Vella has died. Bezo's answer to Wattpad is officially being ended in February 2025. I will not say I'm surprised, but it is what it is. One thing Wattpad offered to readers was reading stuff for free. Then if they liked what they were reading, then they could move onto paid content. But Vella was never like that and most of its target audience, tweens to teens, don't have the disposable income to pay for something they may not like. Or want to risk their hard earned pocket money for an author that may suck.

I tested the Vella waters with my book, Rose, part of the Fleurs du Jardin series. What I learned is my writing probably doesn't lend itself very well to serialized fiction. I didn't sell very many reads at all.

So I'm learning from my mistake and making Rose a full-fledged novel available on KDP coming soon. I'm still working out things like a new cover and formatting it for ebook and paperback. But once those are in place, I will let everyone know how and when they can get book one in this four book series!

In the meantime, make sure to use up any tokens you might have purchased for Vella between now and February!

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