Monday, May 15, 2023

Must-Have Writing Foods

I am a grazer. I’ll admit it. When I’m writing, I love certain foods that help my brain push through the writer’s block and imposter syndrome to the finish line. These foods cycle at different times and there are ones that are seasonal but there are a few “rules”. For a writing session, I will have these types of foods at any given time—salty, sweet and chocolate.


Popcorn is my buddy. Three minutes in the microwave and it’s all the salty, butter deliciousness I desire. I prefer ACTII popcorn (it’s good and inexpensive). However, I may or may not get an extra large popcorn tub at the movie theater and refill it before I come home. There’s just something about movie theater popcorn that you can’t replicate at home.

Veggie Straws is a relatively recent addition to my snack stable. Ever since I became gluten intolerant, I needed something that didn’t have wheat in it and was a sort of, kind of healthy at the same time. My dog Rigby gets all the spinach green ones and I eat the potato and sweet potato ones.

White Cheddar puffs are also a relatively new offering. Cheetos are gluten-free, but I once tried a bag of these when the gas station didn’t have the other kinds I liked. I was hooked. I love the mild white cheddar flavor and, for whatever reason, they are less greasy than the regular Cheetos when you get to the bottom of the bag.


Happy Cola gummies may or may not be a branch off of my admittedly severe addiction to cola in general. They are sweeter than what I drink (I don’t like drinking my calories). I like the fruit-flavored gummies, don’t get me wrong. But there’s just something about these that makes it impossible for me to stop eating them.

Skittles are one of the best candy in the world. One of those kinds of candies you can eat until you suddenly notice your stomach is hurting. And your tongue is semi-numb with tart sweetness overload. And of all the flavors, tropical is my favorite. Sure, the original flavors are good too but variety is the spice of life.

Amongst all the high fructose corn syrup and piles of sugar, yes, I do like natural sweetness as well. And I was just lucky to find a picture with all my favorite fruits–watermelon, apple slices, grapes and pineapple. Not usually as a salad as pictured there, but if I can’t get watermelon, then I’ll settle for grapes. If I get a ripe pineapple in the high desert of the Rocky Mountains, then I’ll settle for apple slices with peanut butter.


Almond and Toffee Symphony bars have literally been a favorite since they came out in the 80s. What’s better than English toffee mixed with toffee and my favorite nuts, almonds? Swoon.

Peanut or Peanut Butter or Classic Mix M&M’s—With the advent of Classic Mix, I’m in M&M heaven. While I’m not the biggest fan of regular M&M’s, having them every once in a while isn’t bad. But then there are the times when I cycle between peanut and peanut butter that having all three in a bag TOGETHER is my dream come true.

Snickers Bars are classic. You get all the good things in one - nougat, caramel, chocolate and peanuts. To be honest, it’s my fallback in case I can’t get anything else. But it’s not that I’m complaining. It’s these and Mounds that got stolen out of my kids’ Halloween bags every year.


Peeps–it’s controversial, I know. I am in the “I love these" camp. In fact, I have an entire process for Peeps to be perfect enough to eat. They cannot be eaten right away. Oh, no. They have to be cured first. Once I buy a package, the plastic needs to be removed. They need to sit out between three days and a week in order for them to dry out slightly. Once they are extra chewy, but not hard as rocks, they are ready.

Candy Corns are a Halloween must-have. Not only that, but it MUST be Brach’s version. The version where they use real honey in the recipe. Without the extra ingredient, candy corns can be crusty and flavorless. But Brach’s version is chewy and has the perfect taste.

Popsicles is my summer treat of choice. And while I don’t mind the more expensive kids, these Twin Pops are the ones I always go for first. There’s something about them that reminds me of childhood. Not to mention that they still have their green pops still flavored like lime instead of green apple. Gag. Who likes green apple?

Honorable Mentions

Ice Cream is not something I eat often when writing. It gets forgotten about when I’m really into working on a scene and, therefore, melting. But I can’t deny it’s part of a good life no matter what you do for a living. Besides that, there are a few local restaurants here that make “milkshakes” which are basically soft serve ice cream that can have mix-ins. Sort of like McDonald’s McFlurries with WAY more options. My favorite is chocolate ice cream with Reese’s peanut butter cups mixed in.

Muddy Buddies I don’t eat very often. TECHNICALLY they are gluten-free. But something about them hints they’re made in a facility that has wheat floating in the air apparently. I can’t eat a lot of them, or very often, or I regret it. But I admit I love the taste of them. And yes, I could make my own at home, but who likes to do that when there is that enticing bag hanging out in the snack aisle?

I have the most amazing recipe for caramel given to me by a childhood friend of the family. I might share if you guys want me to. But I almost never use it to make caramel. The family used to make these enormous batches of caramel popcorn with it, and well, as mentioned, I love popcorn. Then you combine this swoony recipe for caramel and popcorn together and I practically give myself diabetes every time I make it. Hence, it doesn’t get made very often because it is VERY high in sugar of all kinds. But so worth it.

This is not an exhaustive list of snacks. They are the most common ones you’ll find crowding my desk or filling up my garbage can.


What kind of snack must you have if you’re writing or reading?

Answer in your social media, and tag me to check it out!

Happy Reading!

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